Defeat Gestational Diabetes With These 6 Nutritional Tips
About 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes.1 It affects millions of women, so you are not alone. Unfortunately, you cannot tell you have it
About 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes.1 It affects millions of women, so you are not alone. Unfortunately, you cannot tell you have it
Nothing is more frustrating than trying several vitamin products that are supposed to have anti-aging effects, but really did not work. These products may not be cheap and having several
Do you constantly feel tired, stressed, and have muscle aches? Seem to always be craving salty or sweet foods? You might feel like you have ‘brain fog’ and cannot remember
You just found out your dog has congestive heart failure (CHF). It is scary, stressful, and heartbreaking. You cannot imagine life without your pet. You wonder what the treatment is?
Have you ever had mysterious headaches or skin rashes? Does your nose suddenly begin to run when you eat avocados or bananas? You may have thought it was an allergy,
Our pets are like our children, we want the best for them and we do not like to see them in pain. One of the biggest issues our pets can
Everyday in the United States, 41 people lose their lives due to opioid prescription overdose.1 National Pain Awareness Month is not only a time to bring awareness that chronic pain
It may seem odd that September is National Pain Awareness Month since you know when you are in pain. This is a time to bring awareness to not ignore your
Have you ever taken a nutritional supplement like Vitamin B and thought it did not work well one day, then you took it at a different time another day and
Did you know 100 calories of broccoli has more protein, vitamins, minerals, and less fat than 100 calories of steak? But which protein source is better – animal or plant?
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