Patients with glaucoma who require three or four topical agents for pressure control are in a tough spot. On top of wrestling with what is likely to be an aggressive disease, they face challenges with regard to the tolerability of, compliance with, and the cost of multiagent topical therapy. Could compounded medications address these problems?
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Follow Up by pharmacists with advanced training to help you reach your goals. Auto-ship so you never miss your vital medications.
We guarantee you will love us or we will transfer your records to a pharmacy of your choice at no cost to you.
Puramint improves the patient experience by offering customized medications that are simple to dose. We combine as many as four medications into a single drop to help remove barriers to use, promote adherence and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for your patients.
Compounded eye drops meet the criteria for a Risk Level III preparation. This is the highest risk standard for sterile medications available. It’s imperative that the compounding pharmacy’s process has undergone validation with an in-depth potency and sterility verification program for aseptic preparations.
Our pharmacy has been fully verified and credentialed to perform sterile compounding. We routinely practice Risk Level III compounding, including atropine eye drops.
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